I am inspired by beautiful things. The wild freedom of children is my fuel.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Handmade Isn't Dead!

Ordinarily my mind is bustling around with ideas.  Finally I'm taking the initiative to put those ideas to work for me.  I'm going to start a small business.  I mean like really tiny.  A micro business...  so small that I'm the sole employee.  It feels like jumping out of a plane a little.  You tumble down and down with the wind in your ears and then pop open your magic parachute to keep from splatting on the ground in four point five seconds.  Falling is half the fun!  The view as you sail in the sky in the safety of the parachute's harness is the other perk.   Right?  So here I am and I'm excited.  I want to do more than share what I create.  I want to inspire and bring others joy through my craft.  I want for this small business to stay small and thoughtful.  Handmade isn't dead!  It's thriving in my fingertips and in my breath.  Today I've been working hard on the assembly line.  Okay, it's not a real assembly line.  I'm sewing stuffed owls, rice hand warmers, and toddler clothes.  I make things all the time.  The ability to create is my pride and joy.  My kids already love the stuff I make them.  Why not make things for other kids?  It just makes sense to me.  Keep your fingers crossed for me world!  I'm going on an adventure this month.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Feeling Brand New

This morning I woke up 10 minutes before the kids.  That's just long enough to fix myself a cup of hot chocolate or coffee.  During this ten minutes, I groggily swiped a mug from the cabinet and while fixing my beverage of choice, waited for my turn at the bathroom.  My life is nothing fancy.  I love the outdoors and I have a penchant for creating things.  If I'm not doing chores or chasing my two adorably insane children around, it's very likely that I'm crafting.  Oh and cooking doesn't count as a chore most of the time.  I consider it a method of creation.  Anyone that doesn't love food on some level, is probably nuts.  The oven might be one of my favorite items in the house.  The sewing machine is definitely my other trusty partner in crime.  Today I will probably not find time to use either of those things, but that's okay.  It's Friday and I get to spend extra time with my 3 year old.  We can veg out on the couch and play Mario or watch cartoons.  He goes to preschool 4 days out of the week and I crave this day with him.  Friday is quiet.  It is the best day of the week.  My son is more than happy to lay under the blankets and be lazy with me.  Sometimes when his sister is napping, he clings to me and I let him.  He's growing up and beginning to question everything that contradicts what he wants.  When it comes down to it, being a parent is the hardest thing I do.  Hence, I try to revel in these little moments.  He will not cling forever and I'll miss that when he grows older.  I remember this stuff when I stare down into my empty cup.  Every day is brand new.  Time wears on and the world is ever changing.  Though perhaps differently, I'm sure you feel it's passage too.  New snow will blanket the mountains in the winter, new grass and new flowers will blossom in the spring, new gardens will grow in the summer,  and new leaves will become old and crunchy under our feet in the fall again as Earth goes through it's seasons.  New lines will appear on my face and my children will transform each year before my very eyes.  After my hot drink is gone, I might go outside and inhale the early and frosty air or I might get the kids out of bed and start our breakfast routine.  Whatever I decide to do, I will do it with that feeling a newness that each sunrise brings.  I'll give my best effort to make my quiet day worth it's hours.  How about you?